Wednesday, December 26, 2007

FreshDad Wishes Everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year

I cannot believe how fast time goes by. Now that the holidays are past, we all look to close 2007 and look forward to a fantastic 2008. While it will be hard to top just an incredible 2007, I look forward to an even better 2008.

I started FreshDad based on a promise to my wife that I would be a Dad that is very involved, never to think I would take it to the world!

I look forward to getting many Dad's involved with Freshdad. I hope 2008 bring's more Dads to FreshDad where they can share their experiences with Fatherhood, a review on a Baby Product, or whatever they would like to share. The Success of FreshDad will rely on many people sharing their thoughts, somewhat like an online community for Parenting.

Spread the word, invite all the Dads you know to share their knowledge at, Your One-Stop Parenting Resource.

If you use any of the Community Sites ( Facebook, MySpace), spread the word there. Freshdad will be the #1 Daddy site on the Internet, and just think how many happier moms there will be with more involved Dads.

I look forward to 2008!

Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone

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